Friday, January 27, 2017

I Couldn't Wait To Share This!

The RebornFX painted baby I have been working on had a good bit of sheen due to my using a lot of medium in with my paint.  I am still having to tweek my mixes with this system to find what works best for me.  MacPherson's had told me to try using the matting fluid in with my paints if I added a lot of medium and said I could also paint a layer of matting fluid over my parts to make them matte again.
I just got my parcel with the matting fluid in it an hour ago and painted a layer over my baby.  Now she is not shiny!

I may have a bit more light exposure in these pics than the ones I took the other day because the other day it was raining and gloomy here when I took the shiny pic but this is the before and after of my belly plate in progress with just skin tones and no creases or final details.

  Here is the belly plate with sheen.

And here is the belly plate after applying the matting liquid.

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